When the warm summer months begin to wind down and the days become a little shorter, you can almost smell it in the air--- back-to-school time is here!
Homework hints ( that really work!)
Here are some ways to make homework time easier for you and you child:
* Have a regular place for your child to do homework ( a desk or table in a quiet room)
* Set a regular time for homework. You may want to make a rule, "No television until homework is finished."
* Set aside ample time for homework and help your children plan on how they'll use their time.
* Be available to answer questions and offer assistance, do not do homework for children.
* To help alleviate fatigue, have your child close the books for 10 minutes every hour and go do something else.
* Have your child do the most difficult homework first.
Save "easy" subjects for last.
* Praise your child's good work. Your interest will encourage good work.Enter your text here...